Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Color Me Mine

The progress on the house seems both fast and slow these days. We have been adding a lot of color and getting down to the finish work, but at the same time we are still not able to live in the house anymore--no toilet, no hot water, no sink, no place to be--so that part is hard. They say 2 or 3 weeks...but they have been saying that for 2 or 3 weeks ;)

We have been crazy busy with summer stuff so this is not a complete update, just what I can grab at this moment from my newly dead phone (so sad) before I recycle it and get a new one.

I am IN LOVE with my new bathroom! Jason says it feels luxuriously big like a hotel bathroom :)

I designed the shower :)  I was going for an Art Deco feel.

Daisy is painting her Harry Potter cubby under the stairs.

Old existing bathroom, new floor.
Laundry is green, powder is blue. New blue floor below.